Resource centre

Find here reports, policy briefs and factsheets about child marriage, as well as capacity building tools for organisations and individuals working to end child marriage.

Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is not responsible for content hosted on third party websites.

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Girls Not Brides materials

The Respect I Deserve

The story of Asha, a girl in India who experienced violence in her child marriage.

Girls Not Brides materials

I am a person

A story of resilience and hope on the journey to ending child marriage. Told in the words of Valeri, a Venezuelan girl who experienced abuse in her early union.


Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in India

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in India.


COVID-19 is putting girls at risk

Infographic highlighting what our membership needs in order to address adolescent girls' needs and avoid 13 million additional child marriages during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Advancing the evidence base on strategies to end child marriage and support married girls: Meeting report

Report from a meeting of experts convened to review the evidence on child marriage, identify priorities and coordinate research uptake to support the global movement to end child marriage.

Fact sheet and brief

COVID-19 and child marriage in West and Central Africa

A brief summarising the impact of COVID-19 on child marriage in West and Central Africa, and including recommendations and a call to action for girls' rights to be upheld.


Young Voices: National Report

Summary of a consultation with young people in India focused on an increase to the age of marriage in the country.

Fact sheet and brief

Child marriage in humanitarian contexts

This brief summarises what we know about child marriage in humanitarian contexts and where we need to accelerate action to meet global development targets by 2030.

Research article

Adolescent girls in child, early and forced marriages and unions in Honduras

This report (available in Spanish only) describes the main findings of research on girls and adolescents in forced, early and child marriages and unions in Honduras.


Girl-led research on the impact of COVID-19 in Rajasthan

Report of girl-led research into the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of young girls aged 15 to 19 years in Rajasthan, Northern India.

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