Resource centre

Find here reports, policy briefs and factsheets about child marriage, as well as capacity building tools for organisations and individuals working to end child marriage.

Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is not responsible for content hosted on third party websites.

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Fact sheet and brief, CRANK

CRANK Research Spotlight: Cash and asset incentive schemes to address child marriage and support married girls

Research Spotlight looking at the evidence behind the WHO recommendation to offer cash and/or incentives conditional on schooling, and the implications for policy and programmatic work and research. Includes additional evidence, insights and practical tools to support implementation of such incentives.

Fact sheet and brief, CRANK

CRANK Research Spotlight: Girls' empowerment interventions to address child marriage and support married girls

Spotlight and poster exploring the evidence behind the WHO's conditional recommendation to implement interventions to empower girls by building their knowledge, skills, assets and social networks. The appropriateness of this recommendation is conditional on context (conditions) and the individual involved (circumstances). Includes implications for policy and programmatic work and research, and practical tools to support implementation.

Partnering with women-led organisations to address child marriage in South Asia

This guidance note explores gender-transformative approaches to ending child marriage in South Asia, highlighting strategies, resources, and promising practices led by women-led organisations, and the importance of holistic, multi-sectoral alliances grounded in feminist principles.

Report, Research article

New Literature Review: Strategies to End Child Marriage in the Horn of Africa region

New report explores strategies to end child marriage in the Horn of Africa, covering interventions in Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan. Learn about social drivers, the impact of women-led organisations, and gaps in humanitarian responses addressing child marriage.


10 Step Guide to Conducting Youth-led Research

This 10-step guide provides a structured 10-step approach to effectively conduct youth-led research, focusing on supporting youth researchers and navigating power dynamics within research processes.

Report, Fact sheet and brief, Case study, Toolkit

Child marriage in conflict- and crisis-affected settings: Evidence and practice

Report exploring the causes and consequences of child marriage in conflict- and crisis-affected settings. Includes examples of promising research and practice within and across key sectors, and recommendations and practical tools to support local, national and international actors to take evidence-based action.

Fact sheet and brief

Child marriage and sexual and reproductive health and rights

Brief exploring the links between child marriage and SRHR, and progress made since 1994. Includes evidence-based strategies, case studies of promising practice and recommendations to address child marriage ensure girls…


Safeguarding month: Webinar series resources

Resources from four safeguarding sessions, delivered with Girls Not Brides member organisations to enhance knowledge of international standards, discuss challenges in different contexts, and develop protocols to safeguard all stakeholders.

Report, Fact sheet and brief

Ten years of progress: Reflecting on the UN General Assembly Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage

Paper examining the progress and setbacks across key themes in the UNGA CEFM Resolutions. It includes recommendations for member states and support for national-level responses to CEFM.


Knowledge is power: Youth-led research to address power dynamics in knowledge and advocacy processes to end child marriage and promote girls' education in West Africa

Report summarising the learnings from youth-led research to strengthen advocacy on child marriage and girls' education in West Africa.

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