Resource centre

Find here reports, policy briefs and factsheets about child marriage, as well as capacity building tools for organisations and individuals working to end child marriage.

Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is not responsible for content hosted on third party websites.

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in Kenya

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in Kenya.

Fact sheet and brief

Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in Kenya (Brief)

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis brief summarises the full report, which provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in Kenya.

Fact sheet and brief

Ending child, early and forced marriage is crucial to gender equality

This advocacy brief explores and documents how gender equality issues, identified during the Beijing +25 process, link with child, early and forced marriage.

Fact sheet and brief

The impact of COVID-19 on women

This policy brief explores the differential impact of COVID-19 on women and girls in India.

Fact sheet and brief

Child, early and forced marriage and unions in Latin America and the Caribbean

This brief analyses the characteristics of child, early and forced marriages and unions in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Official document

Stand with adolescent girls and young women during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

In this joint statement, we call on funders of all types and sizes to stand with adolescent girls and young women during and after this global pandemic.

Fact sheet and brief

Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in Malawi (Brief)

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis brief summarises the full report, which provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in Malawi.


Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in Ethiopia

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in Ethiopia.

Fact sheet and brief

Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in Ethiopia (Brief)

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis brief summarises the full report, which provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in Ethiopia.

Case study

Civil society and budget advocacy to end child marriage: Six case studies

Six budget advocacy pilot projects designed and implemented by Girls Not Brides member organisations in Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan and Togo.

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