Resource centre

Find here reports, policy briefs and factsheets about child marriage, as well as capacity building tools for organisations and individuals working to end child marriage.

Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is not responsible for content hosted on third party websites.

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Case study

Civil society and budget advocacy to end child marriage: Six case studies

Six budget advocacy pilot projects designed and implemented by Girls Not Brides member organisations in Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan and Togo.


Civil society and budget advocacy to end child marriage

This report looks at the role that civil society organisations can play in budget advocacy to address child marriage, with key lessons from six pilot projects.


Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in Niger

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in Niger.

Fact sheet and brief

Political economy analysis of child, early, and forced marriage in Niger (Brief)

Developed by Iris Group, this political economy analysis brief summarises the full report, which provides a high-level understanding of the context around child, early, and forced marriage in Niger.


A new generation: 25 years of efforts for gender equality in education

Report on how inclusion in education can advance gender equality.


Indigenous women of the Americas in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

This report highlights the situation of Indigenous women in the Americas, drawing on feedback from women and Indigenous organisations based in 23 countries.

Fact sheet and brief

Derechos de las adolescentes: Un análisis regional del cumplimiento del Consenso de Montevideo

Análisis del avance que tienen los países de América Latina y El Caribe para abordar los derechos de las adolescentes.

Fact sheet and brief

Protection of children during the coronavirus pandemic

A technical brief to support child protection practitioners to better respond to the child protection risks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Available in 19 languages.

Fact sheet and brief

Identifying and mitigating gender-based violence risks within the COVID-19 response

This brief offers guidance for non-GBV specialist actors working in humanitarian contexts to identify COVID-19 and GBV-specific risks, and to take action to mitigate them.


Girls’ education and COVID-19: What past shocks can teach us about mitigating the impacts of pandemics

This report uses insights from the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic and the 2008 global financial crisis to understand the consequences of COVID-19 for girls.

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