Resource centre
Find here reports, policy briefs and factsheets about child marriage, as well as capacity building tools for organisations and individuals working to end child marriage.
Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is not responsible for content hosted on third party websites.
Safeguarding month: Webinar series resources
Resources from four safeguarding sessions, delivered with Girls Not Brides member organisations to enhance knowledge of international standards, discuss challenges in different contexts, and develop protocols to safeguard all stakeholders.
Ten years of progress: Reflecting on the UN General Assembly Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage
Paper examining the progress and setbacks across key themes in the CEFM Resolution, including language around laws and policies; girls' empowerment, autonomy and decision-making; gender-transformative strategies; education; health; sexual and gender-based violence; economic empowerment and poverty reduction; humanitarian settings; and the role of civil society. It includes recommendations for future Resolutions, member states and national-level responses to end CEFM and support ever-married girls.
Knowledge is power: Youth-led research to address power dynamics in knowledge and advocacy processes to end child marriage and promote girls' education in West Africa
Report summarising the learnings from youth-led research to strengthen advocacy on child marriage and girls' education in West Africa.
What's known & what's next: Charting future action on the mental health consequences of child marriage
A thematic brief and summary report from the CRANK's symposium on child marriage and mental health, including evidence on what works, priorities and practical tools to support girls who are, or have been, married.
Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean on the Impact of Laws on CEFMU
This brief serves as a primer on the impact of CEFMU laws and sexual consent laws on prevalence and the human rights and agency of girls, adolescents and young women…
Child marriage and the Sustainable Development Goals in India: Harnessing the power of collaboration
This brief, developed with Girls Not Brides member organisations and other sector experts, offers insights and identifies potential areas for multisectoral collaboration to address the root causes of child marriage…
Leveraging United Nations human rights mechanisms to end child marriage: A step-by-step toolkit for civil society organisations
Toolkit for engaging with four key human rights mechanisms to end child marriage. This toolkit includes explanations for each, how they link with child marriage, and extra resources, tips and…
External Evaluation of Girls Not Brides’ Learning Work 2020-2023
Report, executive summary and management response from an independent evaluation of Girls Not Brides' learning work from 2020 to 2023.
CRANK Research Spotlight: Economic empowerment interventions to address child marriage
Brief and poster looking at the evidence behind the WHO recommendation to implement interventions to improve girls' economic empowerment, and the implications for policy and programmatic work and research. Includes further evidence, insights and practical tools to implement these initiatives.
The impact of the law on child marriage and girls' rights
A review of the evidence on the impact of age of marriage and sexual consent laws, presented as a brief and longer report. The brief draws on insights from Girls Not Brides member organisations to highlight key considerations for our work, to ensure the best outcomes for girls, in all their diversity.