Event series
Learning series on what works to end child marriage
Each online learning session brings diverse stakeholders together around a different theme, and will include presentations and space for discussion. A summary of the event and any related resources are then shared on the event page and are available for all to access.
CRANK quarterly research meetings
These events are part of the Child Marriage Research to Action Network (CRANK). They aim to coordinate the global research agenda on child marriage and encourage the uptake of research by policy makers and practitioners.
CRANK global convenings
The CRANK held its first online global research convening in December 2022, bringing together researchers, practitioners, advocates and funders from around the world to strengthen coordination and action to end child marriage. The session recordings, presentations and initial key takeaways can be found here.
Gender-transformative collective action
Girls Not Brides held two webinars about the ongoing gender-transformative journeys of Girls Not Brides Mozambique and the Coalition of Civil Society to End Child Marriage in Nigeria. The recording and a summary of the sessions can be found here.
Recent events
CRANK Research Meeting: Learning from the latest evidence on child marriage prevention laws and their implications – Considering context, challenges and opportunities
Research meeting looking at new evidence on the impact of laws on child marriage and girls’ rights. This includes exploring the latest findings from evidence reviews – with key implications for research, programme and policy – contextual case studies examining the implications of laws, the challenges, opportunities and promising practices.
Advocating to strengthen the right to free education through the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Webinar to discuss the proposal for a new Optional Protocol under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which aims to guarantee free secondary and at least one year of pre-primary education for all.
The impact of age of marriage and sexual consent laws on child marriage and girls’ rights
Child marriage and the Sustainable Development Goals: Progress and opportunities for accelerated action
Symposium: What's known and what's next – Charting future action on the mental health consequences of child marriage
A hybrid in-person and online Symposium on child marriage and mental health, hosted by UCL in collaboration with the CRANK.
CRANK research meeting: Learning from this year's evidence reviews – Progress, gaps and priorities on child marriage
Research meeting to look at the latest contributions to the global evidence base. We will consider the progress made and implications for policy, interventions and research.