Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Advocating for an end to child marriage: 5 global successes in 2014

  • Ommera Zafar

United for impact – How Girls Not Brides members worked together in 2014

  • Marta Welander

Civil society in Ghana launches Girls Not Brides partnership to end child marriage

Do no more harm. How one man changed himself before changing his community

  • Avinashi Paudel

"Together: Ending child marriage in Zambia" - A new film by Girls Not Brides

How birth certificates help tackle child marriage

  • Jessica Lomelin

Child marriage and conflict: what are the links? Recap from #16days teach-in

South Asian governments commit to end child marriage

  • Heather Hamilton

Girls Not Brides statement on UN General Assembly resolution on child, early and forced marriage - November 2014

A leader in fighting against child marriage, Canada can still do more

  • Mabel van Oranje

UN General Assembly to adopt historic resolution on child, early and forced marriage - November 2014

The legal loopholes that perpetuate child marriage

  • Megan Arthur, Dr. Jody Heymann, Aleta Sprague

From Brazil to Norway, to Ethiopia: The many faces of child and forced marriages

  • Giovanna Lauro, Alice Taylor

UN human rights experts set out states’ obligations to address child marriage

A simple solution to a major problem: how information empowers girls against child marriage

  • Amit Kumar Ghosh

"Lowering the marriage age in Bangladesh: a step in the wrong direction" writes Kofi Annan

Funding droughts and online solutions: How we crowdfunded our project to end child marriage

  • Dr. Ashok Dyalchand

Here’s how Girls Not Brides members called for an end to child marriage on Day of the Girl

Measuring up as men: Mobilising men against child marriage in Kenya

Child marriage, an unspoken kind of violence – International Day of the Girl 2014

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