Stories and impact

Discover the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Press release

Joint Statement on Defending Girls’ Rights on Ending Child Marriage in the SADC Region

10-Step Guide to Conducting Youth-Led Research

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Press release

Amendments to Iraq’s Personal Status Law: What does it mean for girls?

10-Step Guide to Conducting Youth-Led Research


Building an Intersectoral Movement to End Child Marriage: Insights from the 15th AWID Forum

Press release

Joint Statement on Defending Girls’ Rights on Ending Child Marriage in the SADC Region


2024: A Year of Progress in Ending Child Marriage

  • Faith Mwangi-Powell

Resource roundup 2024: The latest evidence & collective learning around child marriage


Charting a way to accelerated, evidence-based action on child marriage

Press release

Girls Not Brides announces the appointment of Ramin Shahzamani as Deputy Chair of its Board of Trustees


5 Key Takeaways from the First Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children


Colombian Senate Approves Comprehensive Law to Prohibit Child Marriage and Early Unions

Press release

It is time to make a change for girls and adolescents in Colombia!


Malawi Launches National Strategy to End Child Marriage


"Together, We Will End Child Marriage": In Conversation with Dr Alaa Murabit

Press release

Girls Not Brides Announces Dr. Alaa Murabit as New Chair of its Board of Trustees


New federal law aims to accelerate action to end child marriage in the U.S.


A future without child marriage should not be a dream: a call for accelerated action at UNGA 79 and Summit of the Future

Press release

Reviewing progress on the SADC Model Law to end child marriage across 16 countries


Iraq: New draft bill could allow girls as young as 9 years old to get married

  • Girls Not Brides, Musawah

What Nollywood has to do with child marriage?

  • Aïcha Awa BA, Salamatou Abdoul Karim Yamba

Global Conference Calls on Governments to Act on Ending Violence Against Children

  • Girls Not Brides

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