Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Just launched! #MyLifeAt15 to #EndChildMarriage

On Day of the Girl, join #MyLifeAt15 & tell governments to end child marriage now!

"Want the SDGs to succeed? Involve young people!"

  • Petrider Paul

Humanitarian and natural disasters linked to increase in child marriage, warns Girls Not Brides

Pakistan: Meet Samina, the former child bride making her village ‘child marriage-free’

  • Samina

These indicators will help measure your progress towards ending child marriage

  • Kate Whittington

When it comes to ending child marriage, involve young people!

  • Leila Billing

New research identifies what works best to delay marriage in Ethiopia and Tanzania

The Gambia: from grass to grace, a young feminist shapes the global agenda

  • Isatou Jeng

Target on child marriage included in proposed SDGs framework

  • Ommera Zafar

Sustaining momentum: How to keep the global movement to end child marriage going

  • Lakshmi Sundaram

"Ending child marriage by moving in waves": Video message from Graça Machel

Yes, girls do marry as children and adolescents in Latin America

  • Margaret E. Greene, Giovanna Lauro, Alice Taylor

One year on from the Girl Summit: are we any closer to ending child marriage?

  • Lakshmi Sundaram

Girls Not Brides, one year after the Girl Summit: taking stock of progress

Malawi: Memory Banda, a warrior's cry against child marriage

Making strides to end child marriage: Girls Not Brides Annual Report 2014

PRESS RELEASE: Human Rights Council adopts resolution to end child, early and forced marriage - July 2015

Human Rights Council adopts 2015 resolution to end child, early and forced marriage

How educating girls prevents child marriage: Insights from Ethiopia

  • Zayid Douglas

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