Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Statement from Girls Not Brides on the first African Girls’ Summit on child marriage in Africa

PRESS RELEASE: 82,000 girls will become child brides while leaders discuss child marriage during African Girls’ Summit

Highlights from the African Girls' Summit on ending child marriage

#MyLifeAt15: Tell African leaders to end child marriage NOW!


African Union extends campaign to end child marriage until 2017

"Deeds not words!" Making the African Girls' Summit count

PRESS RELEASE: Girls’ Voices: Speaking Out Against Child Marriage


Taking a stand by sitting down: Ending child marriage in Pakistan

Difret: the film petitioning the US to end child marriage

Lifting The Veil: expert meeting on addressing child marriage

Protecting girls from child marriage: survivors, activists speak out

#MyLifeAt15 takes off on Day of the Girl 2015

India: “Stay in school. You can change the world.” A child bride’s mission to end child marriage

PRESS RELEASE: On International Day of the Girl, Girls Not Brides urges governments to implement the new global target to end child marriage they committed to at the United Nations

#MyLifeAt15 in action: rising to #EndChildMarriage

Le mariage des enfants au Cameroun : perspectives d’une militante

#MyLifeAt15: A rallying call to end child marriage

Setting the age of marriage at 18 can have a huge impact on child marriage

  • Gonzalo Moreno

India: teenage girl from Rajasthan campaigns against child marriage

India: Letting girls believe in their dreams again. Usha’s story

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