CRANK quarterly research meetings
Find out more about the quarterly Child Marriage Research to Action Network (the CRANK) research meetings: dates, themes and meeting recordings.
CRANK Research Meeting: Learning from the latest evidence on child marriage prevention laws and their implications – Considering context, challenges and opportunities
Research meeting looking at new evidence on the impact of laws on child marriage and girls’ rights. This includes exploring the latest findings from evidence reviews – with key implications for research, programme and policy – contextual case studies examining the implications of laws, the challenges, opportunities and promising practices.
Symposium: What's known and what's next – Charting future action on the mental health consequences of child marriage
A hybrid in-person and online Symposium on child marriage and mental health, hosted by UCL in collaboration with the CRANK.
CRANK research meeting: Learning from this year's evidence reviews – Progress, gaps and priorities on child marriage
Research meeting to look at the latest contributions to the global evidence base. We will consider the progress made and implications for policy, interventions and research.
CRANK research meeting: Strengthening evidence-based policy responses to child marriage – Considering context, scale and sustainability
Research meeting drawing on recent examples of when child marriage evidence has successfully informed policymaking, so advancing national-level change to address child marriage and support ever-married girls.
CRANK research meeting: Child marriage in conflict- and crisis-affected settings – Learning from the latest evidence
In this second quarterly research meeting of 2023, we will discuss recent evidence and learnings on how to address the unique aspects of implementing and evaluating interventions with refugees in conflict- and crisis-affected settings.
CRANK research meeting: Transforming gender and social norms to prevent child marriage and advance gender equality
This first CRANK research meeting of 2023 discussed the latest evidence on gender and social norms change to prevent child marriage.
CRANK Research Meeting: Supporting the most marginalised girls - What can we learn from the evidence on child marriage?
This CRANK global research meeting was open to all. In it, we discussed current evidence on how to support the most marginalised girls at risk of child marriage in three…
CRANK Research Meeting: Preventing child marriage at scale
This CRANK global research meeting was open to all. In it, we discussed about accelerating change and generating large-scale impact to end child marriage. There was also be a space…
CRANK Research Meeting: What has girls’ sexuality got to do with child marriage?
This CRANK global research meeting is open to all. In it, we discussed the links between girls’ sexuality and child marriage. There was also a space for participants to share…
CRANK research meeting: Challenging gender norms to end child marriage
This CRANK global research meeting was open to all. In it, we shared new evidence and research on addressing structural gender inequalities and norms that limit girls' choices.
CRANK research meeting: Child marriage in humanitarian settings
This CRANK global research meeting was open to all. In it, we shared findings from girl-centred, girl-led research on child marriage in humanitarian settings. There was also be space for…
CRANK research meeting: Investing in and building the capacity of systems to address child marriage
This CRANK global research meeting was open to all. In it, we discussed new research on the impact of service quality on girls’ safety, health and learning. There was also…
CRANK research meeting: Evidence on gender-transformative approaches to end child marriage
This CRANK global research meeting was open to all. It included presentations and discussion of new research, and space for participants to share their own updates.