Girls Not Brides collaborates with donors and funding mechanisms to influence funding and connect members to opportunities and support.
Child marriage is a global issue. It is fuelled by gender inequality, poverty, social norms and insecurity, and has devastating consequences all over the world.
Explore our vision and mission to end child marriage, learn about our organisational structure, and discover how we work as a global partnership to drive change and empower girls worldwide.
Girls Not Brides members are civil society organisations committed to working together to end child marriage and support married girls. Our strength is our diversity.
Discover tools, resources and events to learn more about child marriage and related issues, and be successful in your advocacy, youth activism and fundraising.
Discover the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.
Girls Not Brides collaborates with donors and funding mechanisms to influence funding and connect members to opportunities and support.
Girls Not Brides worked with a number of private foundations to catalyse the Girls First Fund, which was launched in 2018. The Girls First Fund funds community-led efforts to prevent and respond to child marriage. It is an independent entity, but Girls Not Brides continues to support its work sitting on its Board Committee and connecting its work to the broader movement to end child marriage.
The Girls First Fund takes a broad approach to the issue of child marriage, supporting a range of programmes including those that work directly with girls, engage families and communities, provide services, and advocate for laws and policies. To date they have supported organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Haut Katanga and/or Tanganyika provinces only), Dominican Republic, India (Jharkhand only), Nepal, Niger, and Uganda.
Donors to the Girls First Fund include the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Echidna Giving, Ford Foundation, Foundation for a Just Society, The Kendeda Fund, Nationale Postcode Loterij, NoVo Foundation, and an anonymous donor.
Please visit the Girls First Fund website to find out more about the Girls First Fund’s latest funding, eligibility requirements and how to apply.
Crowdfunding is a method of fundraising seeking a large number of smaller value donations to fund a specific goal or project. Girls Not Brides partners with crowdfunding platforms to help our members set up online fundraising pages. We also share some of our members’ crowdfunding profiles through our ‘Donate page’ so individuals visiting our website are directed to support them.
GlobalGiving is one of the largest crowdfunding communities connecting donors with grassroots projects around the world.
Girls Not Brides partners with a range of organisations to develop funding opportunities to members.
Mundo Cooperante has previously launched “The right to be a girl”, a small grant scheme for community-based organisations working to end child marriage.
Mundo Cooperante is a member of Girls Not Brides and this funding opportunity was exclusively available to member organisations.
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