Ending Child Marriage in Nigeria through community-led media Series (ENCASE Project)
- Organisation : College of Medicine, University of Ibadan
Project Overview
The Ending Child Marriage in Nigeria through community-led media Series (ENCASE project ) is, a controlled, pre-post intervention to change attitudes toward child marriage in Southwestern Nigeria using targeted radio programming (drama). It is a collaboration between researchers at the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and McGill University Canada.
The ENCASE Project is funded by Grand Challenges Canada (Stars in Global Health Award).
An initial Situation Analysis was conducted among the Hausa/Fulani group residing in the Southwestern parts of Nigeria (the qualitative phase of the project). Key informant interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with community leaders and stakeholders (including child brides and their families) and these gave insights into the local perceptions about the consequences and drivers of child marriage.
Baseline Quantitative Survey
A quantitative baseline survey among 1600 older members of the Hausa communities was conducted in two Southwestern States in Nigeria: Ondo State(control site) and Oyo State ( Intervention site)
The Intervention (Radio Drama : BURINA )
We co-produced a series of radio drama( with our Local Advisory Committee , members of the Hausa communities and girl brides)
We used the ideas and findings from our situation analysis to write fictitious stories depicting the drivers, consequences and dangers of child marriage, these were developed into scripts to produce the radio drama series in Hausa language .
- the radio drama ( BURINA ; my ambition & Hopes) is currently airing on 3 local radio stations in Ibadan, Nigeria.
- The quantitative endline assessment will be conducted after the media series has been aired on the radio stations.