Adverse childhood experiences, sexual debut and HIV testing among adolescents in a low-income high HIV-prevalence context Organisation : Stony Brook University Child Marriage Research to Action Network CRANK quarterly research meetings CRANK global convening CRANK Research Tracker Submit research to the CRANK research tracker Background on the CRANK This is a longitudinal study in Malawi that interviewed adoelscents age 10-16 in 2017-18 and will be re-interviewing them in 2021. One of the key outcomes we are tracking is child marraige. Downloads PMC6832840
Child Marriage Research to Action Network CRANK quarterly research meetings CRANK global convening CRANK Research Tracker Submit research to the CRANK research tracker Background on the CRANK This is a longitudinal study in Malawi that interviewed adoelscents age 10-16 in 2017-18 and will be re-interviewing them in 2021. One of the key outcomes we are tracking is child marraige. Downloads PMC6832840