National Partnerships and Coalitions in Tanzania
In this country we have a national partnership. Many Girls Not Brides member organisations have come together to accelerate progress to end child marriage in their countries by forming National Partnerships and coalitions. Below is an overview of what and where these networks are, what they do and how they work with Girls Not Brides.
You can help girls in Tanzania by donating to our member's campaigns
Content featuring Tanzania
Reviewing progress on the SADC Model Law to end child marriage across 16 countries
3 lessons and 3 actions: Let’s make every day International Day of the Girl
Girls’ education and child marriage
Brief exploring the key facts, two-way impacts, common drivers and solutions on education and child marriage. Updated in September 2022.
Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network: Sharing our journey, insights and learning
Report showcasing one of the first National Partnerships in Africa seeking to end child marriage. It includes insights and learning in building a strong coalition and advocating for changes to policy and social norms over the past 10 years.
Data sources
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