National Advocacy

All governments have committed to end child marriage by 2030 as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. They therefore have obligations to address child marriage under international human rights law and a key role in driving transformative change in the lives of girls.

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch

Related content

Fact sheet and brief

Briefing series: "Taking action to address child marriage: the role of different sectors"

This series of 10 briefs provides a short, accessible introduction to incorporating and measuring child marriage prevention and response throughout the programme life cycle.

Girls Not Brides materials, Toolkit

The role of parliamentarians in ending child marriage

This toolkit provides an overview of what child marriage is, and existing international legal instruments that prohibit the practice

Girls Not Brides materials, Toolkit

User guide for Girls Not Brides members to engage with parliamentarians

This user guide outlines the importance of engaging parliamentarians to end child marriage, and suggests ideas on how to collaborate with them.

Girls Not Brides materials

A check-list for national strategies to end child marriage (+ user guide)

This check-list provides a framework to analyse national strategies and other initiatives to end child marriage.

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