Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Girls Not Brides heads to India to host its first South Asia regional meeting

Achieving what we once thought impossible: an end to harmful traditional practices

  • Molly Melching

Yemen could seize moment to ban child marriage

  • Nadya Khalife

Podcast: the fight against child marriage in Yemen

Human Rights Watch: Child marriage spurs abuse of girls and women in Yemen

Safe PLaCES help flood-affected children and women prevent child marriage in Pakistan

  • Raheela Chaudhry

Let’s make it happen: end child marriage

Whole communities benefit when girls stay in school

Introducing Marianna, Interim Coordinator for Girls Not Brides

Forced marriage continues in many countries

  • Elizabeth Lee

Why is no one protecting Saudi Arabia's child brides?

  • Ali al-Ahmed

Child marriage still practised in Trinidad and Tobago

  • Kalifa Clyne

Child marriages burden young Nepalis

  • Hanna Ingber

Youth theatre empowers girls to challenge child marriage in Tajikistan

  • Anne Johnson

Community resists child marriage reform

  • Mahalingam Ponnusamy

Ending child marriage can help curb population growth

  • Robert J. Walker

The boy who helps rescue child brides

G(irls) 20 Summit aims to give voice to 10 million child brides

  • Amy Verner

Graça Machel: Within ten years women will have changed Africa

  • Graça Machel

To achieve the MDGs, put girls at the centre of development

  • Ela Bhatt

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