Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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The Girl Effect: Addis' story, Ethiopia

Lubna's story, Yemen

  • Dali Al Eryani

Trapped after being forced to say "I do". Ratnashri, India

Krishna and Kishnan

Trading a 13-year-old daughter for a new wife. Rangina, Afghanistan

How can girls and women be catalysts for change? Join #girls4change Tweet Chat, 3 April

Bride kidnapping and land rights in rural Kyrgyzstan

  • Ailey Hughes

Kakenya, a girl who demanded school not child marriage

CSW 57 agreement: States must act to “end the practice of child, early and forced marriage”

UK government action needed on child marriage, Gro Brundtland tells inquiry

Untying the knot: why early marriage should be seen as violence against women

  • Hannah Stevenson

Sexual and reproductive health education key to tackle child marriage in Bangladesh

  • International HIV/AIDS Alliance

Human Rights Watch: Child marriage in South Sudan

Child marriages: 39,000 every day – more than 140 million girls will marry between 2011 and 2020

Ending child marriage must be a priority in the global effort to end violence against women and girls

Girls Not Brides at the UN Commission on the Status of Women

New law makes ending child marriage a US government priority

Reason to rise: End child marriage!

My hope for 2030: A world without child marriage

  • Gro Harlem Brundtland

427 communities abandon child marriage and female genital cutting in Senegal

  • Tostan

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