Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Is there ever a good reason for child marriage?

  • Rema Nanda, Venkat Reddy, Ann Warner

"There is a sense that the girl child is inferior." Mary Robinson on why The Elders chose to address child marriage

Egypt: New child marriage laws are a step backwards, says Plan International

  • Plan International

A poignant reminder

  • Jeffrey Edmeades

G8 Foreign Ministers address child marriage: An important discussion, but action now needed

Bikers against child marriage

  • Venkat Reddy

Children are the angels of the earth. We must do more to protect them

  • Muhammad Aslam

A moral leader: India’s chance to spearhead efforts to end child marriage worldwide

  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Girls Not Brides members in Tanzania form national alliance to end child marriage

  • Sylivester Domasa

Tackling child marriage in Indonesia

  • Plan International

BRAC focuses on early marriage in its International Women’s Day 2012 celebration

  • BRAC

Eminent Indian leaders champion efforts to end child marriage in India

  • The Population Foundation of India (PFI), The Elders

Girls Not Brides recognised on top 50 list of ideas and solutions improving the lives of girls and women worldwide

  • Girls Not Brides, Women Deliver

Ending child marriage in South Asia: "a human mission"

Together we can end child marriage: building momentum in South Asia

Putting an end to early marriage in Niger

  • Plan International

We must listen and learn, not lecture

  • Ela Bhatt

Girls Not Brides heads to India to host its first South Asia regional meeting

Achieving what we once thought impossible: an end to harmful traditional practices

  • Molly Melching

Yemen could seize moment to ban child marriage

  • Nadya Khalife

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