Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Celebrating girls who dare - Join our Tweetchat Friday 7 March, at 2pm!

“Child marriage is not just a tragedy for girls: it’s a disaster for development” says UK Secretary of State for Development

Child marriage in Nepal: what do you do when it's by choice?

  • Ola Perczynska

Ending child marriage: more needs to be done – ICPD Beyond 2014 Report

Putting adolescent girls’ health at heart of the post-2015 development framework

Ending child marriage helps break cycle of violence and discrimination

  • Kavinya Makau

"Iran: Former child bride faces execution by hanging" - Women Living Under Muslim Laws calls for action

Ending child marriage: what works? A look at the evidence

Powerful partnerships: Girls Not Brides, Catapult & You

  • Marta Welander

Poem: "I remember"

  • Ashay Abbhi

Our story to tell: Senegalese youth address early marriage through film

  • Jeremy Teicher

Yemen takes steps towards ending child marriage - HRW

  • Belkis Wille

From mother to daughter: the economic hardships behind child marriage in India

Child marriage and U.S. foreign policy: CFR releases new multimedia resource

Sex and sensibility: breaking through India's patriarchal bias

  • Sonali Khan, Sonali Khan

Ending child marriage: the stories that moved and inspired us in 2013

A teacher’s journey to keep girls in school and avoid child marriage in Morocco

Child brides, invisible and voiceless: no more!

  • Dr. Feven Tassew

Storify: #16days tweetathon on child marriage as violence against girls

African ministers set ambitious target: eliminate child marriage by 2020

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