Stories and impact

Discover the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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En-route to a better tomorrow: the connection between migration and early marriage

  • Tasneem Kakal

7 Ways the World Got Closer to Ending Child Marriage in 2018

  • Charlotte Rose

UN General Assembly adopts 3rd resolution on child, early, and forced Marriage

  • Zoe Birchall

16 activists who tackle child marriage every day

Child Marriage, Adolescent Girls’ Health and the Global Financing Facility

  • Zoe Birchall

Together we can make child marriage & HIV history

Three things you need to know: child marriage and HIV

  • Ettie Bailey-King

Girls Not Brides USA welcomes the House introduction of the Keeping Girls in School Act

How men who take up cooking could help end child marriage

  • Ettie Bailey-King

Hairdresser not bride: making a living in Malawi's biggest refugee camp

5 things that keep girls out of the workforce

  • Ettie Bailey-King

The economic and human costs of child marriage – and what we can do about them

  • Rachel Clement

Less talk, more action to address child marriage in emergencies

  • Ellen Travers

Child marriage and the Syrian conflict: 7 things you need to know

  • Ettie Bailey-King

It’s time all young people say ‘nothing about us, without us!’

Ten takeaways from the Girls Not Brides Global Meeting

  • Lakshmi Sundaram

Youth have the power to end child marriage

  • Yemurai Nyoni

Ruvimbo: the child bride who got the Zimbabwe Constitutional Court to say no to child marriage

Noura Hussein’s story highlights the link between child marriage and violence

  • Mundia Situmbeko

For global advocacy to work, we need grassroots activists in the room

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