Stories and impact

Here you'll find the latest news and stories about child marriage, and the work our member organisations and partners in the broader movement are doing to end the harmful practice.

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Meet the girls taking on taboos in Bangladesh

Girls Not Brides awarded Geuzen Medal for human rights

  • Ettie Bailey-King

Youth come together on International Women’s Day to end child marriage

Girls Not Brides welcomes historic drop in global number of child marriages but warns complacency is not an option

7 musts when creating successful radio and TV programmes to address child marriage

“Girls […] must never give up” Josephine and Cecilia share stories of life beyond FGM/C and child marriage

Child marriage and FGM/C: What you need to know

  • Ettie Bailey-King

Communities in Ethiopia unite to keep girls in school

Youth campaigners in Norway are pushing for 18 as the age of marriage

  • Andreas Gjone

Nationale Postcode Loterij backs efforts to end child marriage

How villages in India are going "child marriage free"

Girls Not Brides krijgt Geuzenpenning 2018

Girls Not Brides to receive Geuzen Medal 2018

Research in 2017: what did we learn about child marriage?

  • Ellen Travers

2017 in review: 6 signs we made progress towards ending child marriage

8 child marriage myths that need to go

We can't end AIDS if we don't tackle gender inequality

  • Linda-Gail Bekker, Mabel van Oranje

Cash incentives may not matter most when it comes to ending child marriage

  • Arwyn Finnie

Four things we’ve learned about child marriage in West Africa

  • Faty Kane

Girls Not Brides members win big at the STARS foundation’s awards

  • Ettie Bailey-King

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