Dialogue for change: public forum to address CEFMU in Guatemala

On 21 March, the Public Forum "Dialogue for Change" was held in which representatives of government institutions, civil society organisations and adolescent activists exchanged information and proposals on the importance of addressing Child Marriages and Early and Forced Unions (MUITF) in Guatemala.

Photo: Dialogue for change, Guatemala, 21 of March. Photo by Estudio.Mov and Girls Not Brides

In the time it has taken to read this article 71 girls under the age of 18 have been married

Each year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18

That is 23 girls every minute

Nearly 1 every 2 seconds

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National partnerships


The National Partnership to Address Child, Early and Forced Marriages and Unions in Guatemala comprises more than 20 civil society organisations and individuals with longstanding experience in promoting the human rights of girls and adolescents in Guatemala.

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