Member directory

Use the filter below to search for Girls Not Brides member organisations around the world and learn more about their work to end child marriage. You can search by name, location, type or size of organisation

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Thom Pierce
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Relates to the four pillars in our Theory of Change.

Fundación para el desarrollo en Género y Familia (GENFAMI)

  • Colombia
  • 11-20

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Safety & Security

Association des Jeunes Pour le Développement Locale (AJDL)

  • Niger
  • 11-20

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security
  • Sustainability

Resilient Women's Organization (RWO)

  • Uganda
  • 11-20

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

Relief Corps Organization (RCO)

  • South Sudan
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty

Agir Plus

  • Niger
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice

Na'leb'ak ONG

  • Guatemala
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

Women in Action (WINA)

  • Uganda
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability


  • Niger
  • 51-100

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Sustainability

Feminist Approach To Technology (FAT)

  • India
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Safety & Security

Actions en Faveur des Vulnérables (AFV)

  • Niger
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Sustainability

Project KHEL

  • India
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education

Sisters Caregivers Project Initiative

  • Nigeria
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Health
  • Sustainability

Caminante Proyecto Educativo (Caminante)

  • Dominican Republic
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security

Liseli Initiative

  • Zambia
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Poverty

Football Without Borders

  • South Africa
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health

African Girls Can (AGC)

  • United States
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty

Espace des Réflexion et Actions des Filles (ERAF)

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty

Amplify Action

  • United Kingdom
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

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