Member directory

Use the filter below to search for Girls Not Brides member organisations around the world and learn more about their work to end child marriage. You can search by name, location, type or size of organisation

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Thom Pierce
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Relates to the four pillars in our Theory of Change.

Urmul Khejadi Sansthan (UKS)

  • India
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

Coordination d'Actions Multisectorielles pour un Développement Durable (CAM DED)

  • Niger
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security
  • Sustainability

The Pearl House

  • United States
  • 51-100

Main areas of work

  • Education

Women Empowerment Association for Development in Africa (WEADA)

  • Cameroon
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

Association pour la Valorisation de la Femme (AVAF)

  • Cameroon
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Safety & Security

Réseau des Femmes Psychologues (REFEP)

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 11-20

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

Ndola Nutrition Organisation (NNO)

  • Zambia
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

Women and Young People's Awareness Initiative (WAYAI)

  • Nigeria
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Safety & Security
  • Sustainability

Green Oasis Lens (GOAL)

  • Kenya
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Sustainability

Child Empowerment Programme (CEP)

  • Uganda
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

Urmul Setu Sansthan

  • India
  • 51-100

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health

Urmul Seemant Samiti

  • India
  • 51-100

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Safety & Security
  • Sustainability

Jan Chetna Sansthan (JCS)

  • India
  • 11-20

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Sustainability

The Alternate Space (TAS)

  • India
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Human Rights & Justice

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad (BMP)

  • Bangladesh
  • 51-100

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice

Girls' Power Initiative (GPI)

  • Nigeria
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security

United Development Initiatives for Programmed Actions (UDDIPAN)

  • Bangladesh
  • 201 >

Main areas of work

  • Sustainability

Sahaj Sansthan

  • India
  • 11-20

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security
  • Sustainability

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