Member directory

Use the filter below to search for Girls Not Brides member organisations around the world and learn more about their work to end child marriage. You can search by name, location, type or size of organisation

Photo: Girls Not Brides/Thom Pierce
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Relates to the four pillars in our Theory of Change.

Found 16 member organisations matching your filter options. Clear filters

Réseau des Jeunes pour la Promotion de l'Abandon des Mutilations Génitales Féminines et des Mariages d'Enfants (RJPA-MGF-ME)

  • Senegal
  • 11-20

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice

Réseau National des Pairs Educateurs du Sénégal (RENPES)

  • Senegal
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health

ENDA Jeunesse Action

  • Senegal
  • 21-50

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Safety & Security

African Movement of Working Children and Youth (AMWCY)

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security
  • Sustainability

Coalition Nationale des Associations et ONG en faveur de l'Enfant (CONAFE Senegal)

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Safety & Security
  • Sustainability

Actions pour le Developpement par l'Education et la Reinsertation (ADERE)

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice

GIE Association des Relais Santé Communautaire de Diaobé (ARSD)

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Health
  • Poverty

Grandmother Project

  • Senegal
  • 1-10

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Poverty

Conseil Senegalais des Femmes (COSEF)

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice

Mouvement Jeunesse et Culture de Kolda

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty

Association de Développement Communautaire (ADC NINNABA)

  • Senegal
  • 51-100

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty

Réseau des Femmes CESIRI

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security

Réseau des Pairs Educateurs de Tambacounda (REPET)

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health

Association des Jeunes pour le Développement (AJD PASTEEF)

  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Poverty
  • Safety & Security


  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability


  • Senegal
  • Not available

Main areas of work

  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights & Justice
  • Poverty
  • Sustainability

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