Content featuring Papua New Guinea


Child, early and forced marriage legislation in 37 Asia-Pacific countries

This report reviews child marriage laws in 37 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, providing country profiles for each of these countries.


Preventing child marriage in the Commonwealth: the role of education

Written by the Royal Commonwealth Society and Plan UK on the issue of child marriage, this report looks specifically at the role of education in ending this harmful practice.


Just married, just a child: child marriage in the Indo-Pacific region

The report looks at child marriage in Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia & Indonesia. It makes recommendations to Australian gov't to address the issue abroad & at home.


Protecting the girl child: Using the law to end child, early and forced marriage and related human rights violations

Provides legal research on the implementation of age of marriage laws in 18 countries and illustrates the impact of child marriage on a girl’s life through case studies.

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