Content featuring Nicaragua
Justice for Beatriz, justice for all girls in Latin America and the Caribbean
Child marriage in Nicaragua: cultural roots And girl centred solutions
This report presents findings a qualitative study of child marriage in Nicaragua, and argues that gender norms rather than poverty are the main driver of child marriage.
Entertainment-Education and child marriage: a scoping study for Girls Not Brides
This report looks at the opportunities and challenges of entertainment-education as a way to address child marriage.
Child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean
This brief by Girls Not Brides highlights what we know about child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Data sources
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- Plan International, Counting the Invisible: Using data to transform the lives of girls and women by 2030, 2016, (accessed March 2020).
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- UN General Assembly, Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, Nicaragua, 2014, p. 17, (accessed March 2020).
- UN General Assembly, Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, Nicaragua, 2019, p. 23, (accessed March 2020).
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- UNICEF, State of the world’s children 2021, 2021, (accessed April 2022).
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