National Partnerships and Coalitions in Mali
In this country we have a national partnership. Many Girls Not Brides member organisations have come together to accelerate progress to end child marriage in their countries by forming National Partnerships and coalitions. Below is an overview of what and where these networks are, what they do and how they work with Girls Not Brides.
Content featuring Mali
CRANK Research Spotlight: Successful multisectoral and multilevel approaches to address child marriage
Brief summarising the latest research and evidence, with key takeaways from featured studies, and highlighting current evidence and funding gaps. It also includes tools for practitioners to strengthen design and…
Action by Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies to prevent and respond to child marriage: case study report
This report offers useful lessons from the work of the IFRC on child marriage in development and humanitarian contexts.
En-route to a better tomorrow: the connection between migration and early marriage
Prospects for Ending Child Marriage in Africa: Implications on Legislation, Policy, Culture & Interventions
This brief provides broad recommendations for effective laws, policies and programmes to reduce child marriage in ten countries in Africa.
Data sources
- African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, [website], 2018, (accessed May 2024).
- African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, [website], 2018, (accessed January 2022).
- African Union, Campaign to End Child Marriage in Africa: Call to Action, 2013, (accessed March 2022).
- Code Des Personnes Et De La Famille, 2011, (accessed March 2022).
- ECOWAS, ECOWAS First Ladies affirm Commitment to End Child Marriage and Promote Girl-Child Education in the Region, [website], 2019, (accessed January 2022).
- ECOWAS, Final Communique. Fifty-fifth Ordinary Session of the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government, 2019, (accessed May 2024).
- European Commission, Mali, [website], 2019, (accessed March 2022).
- European Commission, Mali Factsheet, 2022, (accessed May 2022).
- Ford Foundation, Mapping Early Marriage in West Africa, 2013, (accessed March 2022).
- Global Partnership for Education, Mali, [website], (accessed March 2022).
- Global Protection Cluster, Justice for children in humanitarian action: Impact of the armed conflict in Mali, 2016, (accessed March 2022).
- Her Choice, Programme, [website], (accessed March 2022).
- Human Rights Council, Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, 2018, p. 16, 17, 20, 21, (accessed March 2022).
- Institut National de la Statistique, Enquête par grappes à Indicateurs Multiples au Mali (MICS-Mali), 2015, Rapport Final, 2016, (accessed March 2022).
- Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT), Cellule de Planification et de Statistique Secteur Santé-Développement Social et Promotion de la Famille (CPS/SS-DS-PF) et ICF, Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Mali 2018, 2019, (accessed April 2022).
- International Rescue Committee, Mali faces famine-like conditions as humanitarian situation worsens, warns IRC, (accessed February 2024).
- Kramer, S., Pew Research Center, Polygamy is rare around the world and mostly confined to a few regions, 2020, (accessed September 2024).
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- More than Brides Alliance, [website], (accessed February 2022).
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- OCHA, Mali, [website], (accessed March 2022).
- Population Council, Child marriage briefing, 2004, (accessed March 2022).
- République du Mali, Rapport National Volontaire sur la mise en Œuvre des objectifs de Developpement Durable (ODD) du Mali Juillet 2022, (accessed February 2024).
- Spotlight Initiative, Mali, [website], (accessed March 2022).
- Spotlight Initiative, Mali Spotlight Country Programme, (accessed May 2022).
- UN General Assembly, Compilation on Mali Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2017, p.8, (accessed March 2022).
- UN General Assembly, National Report Submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council Resolution 5/1 and 16/21* Mali 2023, (accessed February 2024).
- UN Women, Multi-Country Analytical Study of Legislation, Policies, Interventions and Cultural Practices on Child Marriage in Africa, 2018, (accessed February 2022).
- UN Women, Press release: Generation Equality Forum concludes in Paris with announcement of revolutionary commitments and Global Acceleration Plan to advance gender equality by 2026, 2021, (accessed May 2022).
- UNICEF DATA, Female genital mutilation (FGM), February 2020, (accessed February 2022).
- UNICEF, Mali country office annual report 2020, (accessed May 2022).
- United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, Impact of the crisis on the women of Mali, [undated], (accessed March 2022).
- United Nations, Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, [website], 2017, (accessed March 2022).
- Wetheridge L., and Antonowicz, L., Plan WARO, Child Marriage in West Africa and Cameroon, 2014, (accessed March 2022).
- Women in Law and Development in Africa, Lutter contre les mariages précoces par l’autonomisation des filles au Mali, 2017, (accessed March 2022).
- World Bank and International Center for Research on Women, Economic Impacts of Child Marriage: Global Synthesis Report, 2017, (accessed December 2019).