Content featuring Honduras
Justice for Beatriz, justice for all girls in Latin America and the Caribbean
Tackling the Taboo in Latin America and the Caribbean: Sexuality and gender-transformative programmes to address child, early and forced marriage and unions
Report and case studies with insights on how control of adolescent girls’ sexuality drives child marriage and early unions in Latin America and the Caribbean, and gender-transformative responses by community-based organisations.
School Dropout, Child Marriage, and Early Pregnancy among Adolescent Girls in Rural Honduras
This article examines intersections between schooling, child marriage, and adolescent pregnancy in a longitudinal, mixed-methods study of Honduran girls.
Niñas adolescentes en matrimonios y uniones infantiles, tempranas y forzadas en Honduras
Este informe describe los principales resultados de una investigación sobre niñas y adolescentes en matrimonios y uniones infantiles, tempranas y forzadas (MUITF) en Honduras
Data sources
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