Girls Not Brides USA celebrates the House passage of the Keeping Girls in School Act

Photo: World Vision US/ Laura Reinhardt

In the time it has taken to read this article 38 girls under the age of 18 have been married

Each year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18

That is 23 girls every minute

Nearly 1 every 2 seconds

About the author

Girls Not Brides USA

Girls Not Brides USA includes more than 60 US-based organizations committed to working together to end child, early, and forced marriage worldwide. Girls Not Brides USA is an affiliate of the Girls Not Brides global partnership, which includes more than 800 civil society organizations from 100 countries. Members of Girls Not Brides USA are leading the fight to end child marriage around the world by working at the community, national, regional and global levels, in advocacy, research and direct programming. Through our diverse coalition, we tackle child marriage from every angle and on every continent.For more information about Girls Not Brides USA or child marriage, please contact the Girls Not Brides USA Co-Chairs:LESLIE ARCHAMBEAULT, Save the Children— larchambeault@savechildren.orgWHITNEY GROVES, World Vision US— wgroves@worldvision.orgLYRIC THOMPSON, International Center for Research on Women –

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