The Angolan organisation addressing child marriage through girl power

Photo: Associação Mwana Pwo.

In the time it has taken to read this article 57 girls under the age of 18 have been married

Each year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18

That is 23 girls every minute

Nearly 1 every 2 seconds

About the author

Associação Mwana Pwo

Associação Mwana Pwo is an Angolan organisation founded in 2018 to inspire young women’s leadership in sexual and reproductive health through capacity building, leadership and human rights training. The organisation’s main interventions focus on the prevention of unintended pregnancy, contraceptive use, gender-based violence and menstrual health management. Mwana Pwo is a member of Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage.

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