Advancing girls' rights and leadership

On this page you will learn about one of the pillars of our Theory of Change to end child marriage: advancing girls' rights and leadership, how to do this, how to measure progress and examples of successful approaches.

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Case studies and related content

Girls Not Brides materials

Theory of Change user guide

This user guide outlines ways in which organisations can use the global Theory of Change on child marriage.

Case study

Female-friendly spaces in a post-earthquake Nepal

In this case study, we explore Aura Freedom International’s female-friendly spaces in post-earthquake Nepal.

Case study

Abriendo oportunidades ("Opening opportunities")

Population Council’s "Abriendo Oportunidades" programme works with adolescent girls in Guatemala to provide them with the skills and support they need to improve their lives.

Case study

Integrated project for empowering adolescent girls

In this case study, we explore the work of Institute of Health Management Pachod (IHMP) who empowers unmarried and married adolescent girls in Maharashtra, India.

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