My hope for 2030: A world without child marriage

Photo: Ashenafi Tibebe

In the time it has taken to read this article 56 girls under the age of 18 have been married

Each year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18

That is 23 girls every minute

Nearly 1 every 2 seconds

About the author

Gro Harlem Brundtland

Gro Harlem Brundtland is a member of The Elders, a group of independent leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela in 2007. A medical doctor, she was Norway’s first woman Prime Minister, serving a total of ten years as head of government. She chaired the World Commission on Environment and Development – known as the Brundtland Commission – which articulated the principle of sustainable development for the first time at a global level. She was Director-General of the World Health Organization from 1998-2003, and in 2011, she was appointed member of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Global Sustainability Panel.

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